If you pay for childcare while you go to work, Universal Credit can pay some of your childcare costs.
How much you can get
You can get up to 85% of childcare costs paid back to you.
The maximum amount a month is:
- £1,014.63 for one child
- £1,739.37 for two or more children
You might also be able to get help with your initial upfront childcare costs.
You need to be either:
- In paid work
- Starting a job in the next month
If you live with a partner, you both need to be in paid work, unless your partner cannot look after your children.
What the costs can cover
Your childcare must be with registered childcare providers.
Usually that means they are registered with Ofsted, the Care Inspectorate in Scotland or the Care Inspectorate Wales.
How to apply?
For more information speak to your work coach or visit Gov.uk
Northern Ireland
For residents in Northern Ireland, please visit https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/campaigns/universal-credit for more information.