
Help paying for your childcare

Changes to childcare support mean you might now be eligible for more help than ever before.

Support from Childcare Choices can give your child a great start while giving you work choices, helping you make the juggle of family life a little easier.

Get the information that you need

Find out more information about the schemes that might be available to you and your family.

Find the options available to you

Enter your details to help find out how you can save money on your childcare.



Do you live with a partner?




Do you receive Universal Credit?

Enter your children's information to show the relevant options for you.

The details you enter into this eligibility checker will never be stored. See more in the DfE and HMRC personal information charters.

Re-order Child’s first name Month and year of birth Does your child have any disabilities? Weight Operations
For example, Mar 2018
Does your child have any disabilities?